Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Theory Lesson


The narrative is about the structure of the story, how it is put together. 

Its a way of interpreting it. 

Structuralism: A belief hat there is structure in all things - that items within a certain paradigm (a class of elements with similarities) follow specific patterns 
- Ferdinand de Saussure 

Equilibrium Theory - Tzvetan Todorov

Equilibrium, disruption, recognition, attempt to repair, new equilibrium

Equilibrium: the setting is established, key characters are introduced and the story is set up.

Disruption: oppositional characters appear and the story takes a particular direction.

Conflict: the lives of the characters and events are interwoven. Tension builds.

Climax: highest point in tension where things begin to get sorted.

New Equilibrium: matters are sorted out and problems are solved. 

1. Equilibrium is when the first bird is sitting on the wire by itself.
2. Disruption is when another bird appears next to it, and ruins the peace because it takes up space and interferes with the other bird. 
3. Conflict when another bigger bird comes along and is competition for space.
4. Climax, in this case the bigger bird is going to catapult all the other birds into the air. 
5. The new equilibrium, the result of the climax. 

Binary Opposition - Claude Levi-Strauss

Contrast or opposites

Binary opposition: Focusing on the different sets of opposite values which reveal the structure of the media texts. light and dark, good and evil, right wing and left wing. 
All drama comes from conflict, conflict happens when you have two opposite things. 

Linear/non linear 
Chronological vs Non

Linear comes from the idea of a straight line, so when it comes to storytelling it has a beginning, middle and an end.

A flashback is non linear because you jump around the time frames. 
Deadpool is non linear. 

Open Structure: The audience are left to wonder what happens next and makes sense of it themselves. This often happens in marvel movies so they can make a sequel. 
E.g. "Inception" leaves people talking about it, engaging the audience because the story is not closed. 

Closed Structure: Definite ending - clear conclusion for the audience. This is a typical Hollywood structure because they audience leave satisfied. 

Circle Structure: The narrative begins at the end events (often with the Beginning

Abstract, narrative, performance and hybrid 
(music video)

Vladimir Propp

 7 characters

Hero: traditionally the hero is a male protagonist whose role it is to restore normality or equilibrium. He does this by defeating the villain(s) and winning the love of another character. 

Villian: the villain is the cause of the disruption and the enemy of the hero. The villain may ask be a threat to the safety and the well being of the love interest. 

Dispatcher: The dispatcher sends the hero on a journey to restore equilibrium. The dispatcher may also be the father or a father figure of the love interest, sending the hero on a quest to see if he is worthy of winning.

Donor or mentor: gives the hero something to help them along on their journey. This gift may be a piece of advice, a skill or an object such as a weapon. 

Helper: the helper assists the hero in restoring equilibrium. The helper may be a sidekick, friend or someone else who helps in any way.

Love Interest or prize: usually a passive and vulnerable character, threatened by the villain and needing rescuing by the hero. 

False hero: a character who initially seems to be on the side of the hero but who turns against him or deceives. 

Roland Barthes 

Enigma codes, semiotic, action, cultural, symbolic

Codes are about what the reader understands about what the producer means. 

Codes activate the reader to makes sense of 'narrative' or meaning within a text:

Action code - meaning of specific words, actions or looks

Enigma code - puzzles set up to be solved by audience

The Semic code - the connotations of a character/place/object

The Symbolic code - metaphor or figure of representation

Cultural code - connections to the world outside the text 

These theorists will help me in my future production because thinking about what they have said encourages me to consider these ideas when coming up with ideas for my production. Using these different concepts I can create a solid piece, that has meaning behind it. 

1 comment:

  1. As with the genre theory post, make sure that you format these posts nicely so you can easily use them in your revision. Also make sure to include the final summing up paragraph to fit it in with the rest of the blog.
