Who am I aiming my short film at?
Our target audience is between the ages of 15 to 21. This age group is ideal for our audience profile because our short film will be appealing to them, they will be able to connect with the characters because they are of similar ages, or have recently been of a similar age. They will also associate with our short film because of the idea that 'this could happen to me'.
Below I have two examples of my target audience, as our short film appeals to both males and females.
People will be drawn to 'Hope is a Waking Dream' because of its relevance and underlying political values. This shows the truth about the childcare system, what happens when families can no longer be supported and how that impacts the children. Late teens and young adults are now challenging taboo's more and more and this short film does just that, attracting these young opinionated individuals.
When involving my target audience in surveys and the like I will be sure to ask them what they are passionate about by asking them to talk with the beginning sentence "don't get me started..." This way I can find out about what they as an individual want to be heard talking about.
Have these thoughts on your audience changed since you have decided to evolve your ideas? Make sure to keeo this up to date with a new post about any impact of the changes.