My partner (Bea) and I had a discussion that addressed the idea of extending our short film into a TV programme, we both took an interest to this idea and so now our documentary is an episode in a series called 'Speaking Out'.
This episode belongs to a 6 part series, and is called 'Speaking Out - We Could've Been Anything'. This episode is the first in the series, and explores the question "If you could be anything what would you be and why?"
We decided that 'Speaking Out' would be broadcast online, as we believe that is the future of TV. This makes the series very current and so it will appeal to a wide audience, every one has easy access to online TV Channels such as BBC 3 and Channel 4 as well as BBC iPlayer. This accessibility and the length of the episodes, approximately 15-20 minutes long episodes provide a quick-fix of entertainment ideal for viewers who have busy lives, as well as for those who have time.
Examples of the platforms we would broadcast on are these:
BBC 3 is an online channel, we think it would be ideal for our TV series because of similar documentary series we have found on this website such as 'Men Who Sleep in Trucks'. BBC 3 also has a large and young audience, this relates to our target audience of young adults.
BBC iPlayer is a combination of all the TV shows on the British Broadcasting Company in one place, including all BBC 3's programmes. You can watch anything on the website at any time, meaning you can stream the shows that are currently playing and watch them online, or catch up later, this is also an ideal platform for our series because it is already used by our target audience.
This is an interesting update of your concept and will raise further issues down the line as you need to make sure all your decisions are consistent with what this whole show would be. Make sure the ideas to use allow the piece to be self contained as well as part of the larger whole.