Monday, 4 July 2016

Potential song for 'Hope is a Waking Dream' - Under

A.O.S.O.O.N - Under 

Under is a song by the musician A.O.S.O.O.N, this song inspired me because of the lyrics can be closely related to 'Hope is a Waking Dream'.

"I don't take things for granted" - this line of song can relate to the situation that the girls are now in, how they had a family and a nice life, now it has all been taken from them and they know that everything they have they should be grateful for because it may never get any better. The girls are seen in 'Hope is a Waking Dream' to make the best they can out of their tragic situation and keep a positive mind. 

"Life is no coincidence, it's what you make it" - the girls in 'Hope is a Waking Dream' are living their lives to the full, they are supporting each other and they accept that they are lucky to be alive whilst their parent are no longer there for them. They are shaping their future and taking responsibility for themselves and their relationship because they did not want to be split up by the adoption system. 

"You can choose to run up or roll down the hill" - In 'Hope is Waking Dream' the girls choose to run up the hill rather than tumble down it after their parents death. They take control of their lives living independently and supporting themselves, in 'Hope is a Waking Dream' we see the eldest sister supporting her younger sister by providing her with a sandwich. 

"Dreams are reality, reality is make believe" - this line can be seen to represent how the girls' lives have changed so much, and sometimes the reality that they are living is better to pretend that its all make believe, I feel that thats partly how they maintain a positive outlook, despite the depressing events. 

"It's a crazy world, you better keep your spears up" - this quote can be a warning of how situations can change. The crazy event of their parents death and how it has meant that the girls have had to 'keep their spears up' in light of the recent disaster. 

I also find the general tune of the song very uplifting and inspirational. When I listen to this song it makes me feel happy and that is how I linked it to 'Hope is a Waking Dream'. 

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