Wednesday, 6 July 2016

A Piece of Happiness

By completing a preliminary task it has led me to become more aware of what we film and how we film it. As well as vital practice on Final Cut Pro.

Looking at the mistakes from our preliminary I can learn from them and improve in my final piece. 

Aspects such as the exposure and editing sequences are a little rusty but now that I can see this I am aware that I should pay particular attention to them whilst filming our final piece. 

Focus is also a major issue, as always with my work, and I will continue to work on using the camera to help me shoot focused material. 

1 comment:

  1. A good preliminary task that shows you using a variety of technical skills and clearly incorporating the previous planning posts. The film is very accurate to what you had planned and you meet the aims set out in the brief. Hopefully you have learned from the production process of this task, however, it would be good to see that listed here.
